Pressing need to make some money
Took a job in a Japanese company
Cars and trucks repairing
To the war front sending
My job as an office assistant
Filing and stacking nothing important
The Japanese manager under pressure
Firm with staff in good measure
Staff given to much worrying
Having difficulty understanding
I had of Japanese slightly better mastery
Translated messages from Japanese carrying
This a great help to staff
Was no longer a cause to laugh
A lesson learnt early
Caring for people dearly
American planes in the sky
In formation up very high
Pieces of paper with a message sent
Of much awaited news of war`s end
On the streets now seen
British and Indian soldiers in jungle green
Tired Japanese to concentration camps bound
A new freedom for people now found
Soon a British Military Administration
Much awaited law and order brought in
Chocolates apples oranges grapes and pears
Cheese biscuits canned food began to appear
Government offices schools now open
Back to school as they reopen
In my green bicycle roaming
Places far and wide covering
A military administration to face
Law and order put in place
A civilian administration took over
With work and salary expenses could cover
The Union Jack on flagpoles
All with new hope and goals
The British remained for some time
Giving independence a deadline
Shift to India the family decided
Booked on the City of Canterbury for Madras
Many Indians returning war ravaged
Fortunes and hopes much damaged
M P Prabhakar