Fast train to Hull Paragon station
Direct ride in the north easterly direction
Reserved seats from London comfortable ride
British Rail`s punctual trains a national pride
A taxi to place of stay
To the university not far away
Westbourne Ave a walking distance
Finding my way needing no assistance
A walk after breakfast
Brisk walking to keep warm a must
Short cuts to Cottingham Road
Thirty minutes` walk all told
University buildings some ivy covered
In spring almost red
For students the cafeteria a gathering place
With meals and drinks sit and gaze
Dancing on a Saturday night
Drinks from the bar people getting tight
A real Saturday night fever
For the young every moment to savor
A bus ride to Hull city centre
For shopping and a jolly night`s venture
The young for a few drinks and dance
Hoping for a meeting of chance
The Avenue a quiet
area residential
Some of the houses large palatial
Reminder of an affluent past
With time its ambiance lost
Unlike London Hull a quiet place
A suburban life one must face
To a house in Cranbrook Avenue shifted
When Sarojini came our lives got lifted
Playing fields seen from bedroom window
In winter covered in
In spring birds seen foraging
Moving about in daring
My studies quite demanding
Long hours at the library requiring
A home lunch simple
Usually a sandwich and an apple
Scottish holiday during term break
A leisurely drive we make
With a road map drinking water
Sarojini a good navigator
At Edinburgh overnight stay
To the castle the next day
To the Edinburgh festival everyone making
Lighting bag pipe music fireworks dancing
To Aberdeen made our way
Spring leaves sparkling green in the sun`s rays
A golden green canopy the road covering
An experience so bracing
A long drive to Oban
Through Inverness Fort William
At Loch Ness looking for Nessie
Oban at last picturesque nice
Basking walruses a sight can`t resist
Polished pebbles a specialty
A clever way for an industry
At Glasgow another overnights stay
In those days some buildings black and grey
Back to Hull through Newcastle
A pleasant drive without much hassle
For us a trip memorable
With the time we had available
The Scottish resolve and determination
Prudence and work
earning our admiration
After two weeks to Hull returned
By Miss Harvey Jet the cat warmly welcomed
Back to my studies in earnest
Not the time for any rest.