Man of the moment
A frame upright
With a steady gait
Not fast not slow
Someone often in tow
Clothes simple neat
Comfortable shoes on feet
Everything getting a sharp look
Recalled well as from a book
In humble beginnings life began
As a boy worked hard as a man
Helping family in ways many
Studying hard in time found if any
Earning a law degree
Well- earned many would agree
But law was not his line
To teaching more inclined
For the young to be able
To have confidence and be capable
Given another chance to choose
With teaching nothing to loose
As with clothes life simple
Means for needs always ample
In food a vegetarian
In his ways a disciplinarian
Working saving priorities high
By living within ones means gets by
Helping others when possible
Expecting nothing for his trouble
For the wayward a deep frown
For ways leading them to drown
Between work and play strict balance
Duty first done with reliance
Earn your keep enjoy your sleep
No cause this way to weep
A little self- control goes a long way
Not a heavy price to pay
Who might be this person
With such good lessons
A friend known to all
Always standing tall
Man of that moment
Becomes one of this moment
Giving such truths
To us like sweet fruits
Round and round they go
To truths sometimes we bow
Like the eternal lamp
Man of the moment will triumph
M P Prabhakar
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