Before parchments and messaged leaves
From cave walls they read hieroglyphics
Trees then gave us paper
Books, bearer of our civilization and culture.
Literature, Law, commentary
Good news, bad news
All kinds of views.
We owe paper and books
For how the world now looks
Generations on books fed
Stunning changes from them led.
Books all kinds on display
On shelves in artful array
Taking a quick look
What would we do without books?
Always books respected in our culture
Sacred books and Literature
Of knowledge and wisdom a bearer
Let us never these sever.
With more books from more trees
Fewer trees we will see
For rain and drinking water
Only leafy trees will cater.
Everything in fine tune
Must not abuse Nature`s boon
To get out of this slippery slope
Balance and new ways give hope.
Is it the end of books?
When we now have e-books?
A slave to a machine
Does this mean?
Both have a place
In this fast race
For trees some relief
Those in this cause believe.
Creativity and expression
Through poetic and literary extension
Must never be subject to suppression
These help keep life`s pace
In this rat race.